57. new (to me) Andrew Peterson music!
58. husbands who spend part of their birthday iTunes gift card to buy said album for their wives
59. perfect songs that put together all the different things God's been doing in your heart60. What's that on the ground? It's what's left of my heart. Somebody named Jesus broke it to pieces and planted the shards.
61. And they're coming up green, and they're coming in bloom. I can hardly believe, this is all coming true.
62. Just as I am,
63. Just as I was,
64. Just as I will be
65. He loves me, He does.
66. He showed me the day that He shed His own blood.
67. He loves me, oh He loves me, He does.
68. Well it's time now to harvest what little that grew. This man they call Jesus, who planted the seeds, has come for the fruit. And the best that I've got isn't nearly enough.
69. He's glad for the crop,
70. but it's me that He loves!
71. Evidence that Resurrection Letters, Volume 1 is in gestation!
72. the grace that will surely be given when this album comes out
73. 4 year olds who are almost excited about Mother's Day as they are about Christmas (well, maybe not Christmas, but perhaps Thanksgiving?)
74. preschool teachers who make sure that mothers have gifts to open on Mother's Day
75. Sunday School teachers who plan sweet Mother's Day crafts that include a much-needed cup of hot tea
76. YMCA workers who help 4 year olds make Mother's Day cards
77. Daddies that hide the card in their cars so it will be a surprise
78. sisters that make each other laugh
79. sister laughter that sounds so much alike even though one is one and one is four!
80. good strawberries at Aldi for $1.19