Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Changing seasons

With Adam starting his final semester last week and the weather cooling slightly the other morning thanks to a heavy rain shower, I'm hearing whispers of fall all around me. Even though it's still running 90+ degrees and the leaves a are dark green, I know that soon the leaves (and the temperature, Lord-willing) will be dropping, and it will be time for sweaters and cinnamon apple candles, pumpkin pies (and pumpkin spice lattes).

Just the other day Adam and I were talking about the blessing of seasons. For me, the changing of the seasons is a quarterly New Year-like experience. Right when summer's heat becomes too oppressive (like now) and your bathing suit begins to fade from use, the coming of fall can put a little bounce in your squeaky new shoe clad step. And when the reality of that new school year's work starts weighing heavier upon you, then comes Winter with its cold that drives you inside to enjoy the warmth and brightness of Thanksgiving and Christmas. And when the cold, gray days of February are about to do you in, in comes Springtime with her warming breezes and dots of green. I love that (at least in this part of the world) instead of having to wait around for a fresh start on January 1st, the Lord graciously provides us with seasons that are tangible reminders that His mercies are new every morning.
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons..."
Daniel 2:20-21

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