One thing that continually amazes me is how Katie seems to be completely oblivious to Caroline's crying. I mean, she'll notice when CG wakes up from her nap and report the obvious, "The baby's crying!" But when CG is wailing and I am struggling to take care of her and Katie simultaneously, Katie seems unaware of my juggling act. For example, the other night Adam had something going on around bedtime, so I was attempting to read Katie her bedtime story with Caroline in my arms, screaming bloody murder. Katie didn't bat an eyelash. I didn't know whether to think this was hilarious or disturbing.
In other news, after a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day yesterday, my awesomely generous husband offered to take over the 2am feed last night. You see, I had started to become very discouraged about our Caribou (a new nickname) after talking with several friends who have babies around Caroline's age. I know, I know, I should never do the comparison thing. And yet why does every other baby sleep for long stretches at night when I am trying my darndest to do everything "right" and little Caroliner still loves to wake up every 3 hours?! Well, when Adam got up at 2:30 to give her a bottle, as soon as it touched her lips, she passed out and slept until 5:30am...without drinking a single drop! Why is this so exciting? Well, it meant that I got to sleep for more than 3 hours at one time...but it also means that she
can go for longer stretches at night (like 7 whole hours)! So, tonight, if she wakes up at 2am, a pacifier is all she's going to get and *hopefully* that will be that. Lord-willing, she'll cease waking up at that time once she realizes that all she's going to be offered is a cold piece of plastic. ;) Pray it works! I'll let you know how tonight goes.
I can't wait until CG's next doctor's appointment to find out how much she weighs; she's gotta be at least 13 pounds. And she is so stinkin' cute. I'm hoping to figure out how to upload videos from our nice camera to prove it.
Katie has been saying a lot of funny things recently. I need to remember to write them down. My favorite one lately happened after she and a little friend watched (and danced) to a Riverdance DVD. Later that day, I asked her what her favorite part of the day was and she said, "Dancing to Riverdance." Then she paused and very thoughtfully said, "It's called Riverdance...but there were no fish!"