Caroline turned 6 weeks last Friday. Yes! Glad to be over that hump! She continues to be quite the chunkeroo and so has gained herself several new nicknames including Fatsy Patsy and Chubbsy Wubbsy (you can bet that Adam did not invent any of those). And don't worry, we will stop calling her that early enough in order not to give her a complex. (Tim M, did you appreciate how I avoided the split infinitive?)
Adam's dad and stepmom were here for the weekend...probably the only out-of-town visitors to Louisville who were NOT here for Derby. We did, however, watch 8 hours of Derby coverage on tv on Saturday...what else do you do on Derby Day in Louisville? Good times were had by all.
Katie's Derby picnic(She picked out the outfit herself. I really don't know how she became so aware of Derby....)
Kisses from Grammy
Shucking the corn
Check out that neck strength! Between her size and her strength, she may have a future in female sumo wrestling! Do they give college scholarships for that?
Katie helps Caroline with her tummy time.
This is how Katie came out of her room one Saturday morning.
great photos. I hope one day to have kids come out of their rooms on Saturdays dressed like Katie.
I hope not to disappoint you but I couldn't figure out where to use the split-infinitive. Hannah had to point it out, but I'm learning little by little.
Katie is truly Sommerville blood with that outfit :)
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