Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Small things

I was recently encouraged when a friend of mine voiced annoyance over the many small parts of her children's toys. It was encouraging because even though I know that it's my Type A-ness that makes me irritated, at least I'm not the only one. You see, it's not just that the toys are small...it's that our children love to dump them all out, mix them all up, and put them in bags and boxes all jumbled together. And, of course, what kid wants to undo the mess he/she made and put it all back in order once done playing?
I knew I had to take a picture when Katie provided the case in point for me a few days after that conversation. Moms of infants....here's what you have to look forward to: ;)
A small section of the disaster that was Katie's room

A closer look


Jayna said...

This pic makes me break into a small sweat. Do you think i need therapy?

Kevin and Tara said...

oh my goodness - I don't know if it's just girls or what but our girls do the same thing - we will find piles of small pieces and parts in every bag, box, container, dresser drawer etc. Kevin swears it's because they have "good imaginations" but man does it send my skin crawling! :) I guess we will smile on these times one day huh?

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

So fun catching up on your blog - you take great photos! Glad to hear the kiddos are doing well. :)