Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Encouragement from the Psalms

For whatever reason, the past week or so has been very difficult, spiritually. In the midst of discouragement, however, the Lord encouraged me this morning through Psalm 102:12a.

"But You, O Lord, sit enthroned forever..."

But- One of the most important words in the Bible. I love this word because it does not invalidate whatever was stated before it yet it also says, "That's not the whole story." In this psalm, this psalmist has just finished describing his miserable state: his days vanish like smoke, his bones burn within him, he can't eat, he can't sleep, his heart is withered, he cries all the time, he is cursed by his enemies, and he feels that God has thrown him down in anger. It is out of such a state that the psalmist now says the awesome word, "But."

You- I love that the words "but" and "you" occur so often together in Scripture, with the "you" referring to God. "I am ____ but You are ___." I think this is a good pattern to model our thoughts after. I also love that the Psalmist is not simply saying this to himself, but is actually talking to God. He's not saying, "I am ___ but He is ___." No, he's telling God, "I am ___, but YOU are ____." It is a prayer.

LORD- Not just any god, but YHWH. He uses the personal name of God. This is not just any God--this is the God of Israel. Just think of all the images and characteristics attached to this name throughout Scripture: the God who delivers, the God who makes promises, the Holy God, the Jealous God, the Kind and Merciful God, righteous, just, loving, faithful, patient, powerful, majestic, gracious, compassionate. "But You, YHWH..."

The anticipation builds! To what specific truth about YHWH is the psalmist about to appeal?

"...sit enthroned forever."

Sit- an image of establishment, rest, completion, security, confidence. This God is not pacing the floor in anxiety or fear. He is unrivaled and totally secure.

Enthroned- He is King, He rules over all. He is majestic, deserving all respect, honor, and fear. He is in total control of his domain.

Forever- And his rule is not ending soon. In fact, it's never going to end. He is not concerned about being overthrown at some future point. His throne is eternal, unchanging, not moving. I am ____ but You, YHWH, sit enthroned forever. God, I am falling apart, but You are not. You are in control. I am weak, but You define strength.

The Psalmist is deliberately contrasting his frail state with the immovable state of God. He turns from focusing on himself and his circumstances to focusing on God. He turns from seeking hope in himself to basing his hope on the character of God.

Yes, a simple, basic, obvious principle of Christian living...but one that was revealed afresh to me this morning in an hour of great need. Oh, that I might remember this as the day goes on!

1 comment:

sarahdodson said...

Very good words here. The Lord has certainly given you insight with that verse. Thanks for sharing.
ps. Jamie B linked to your post and that's how I found you:)