Friday, September 21, 2007


Since I've become so popular (according to my Google Analytics reports, thanks Hannah) I decided to help out my retinue of readers by adding labels to my posts.

It was hard to make strict categories, so these labels are a little "fluid." I've added the list of labels to my sidebar, below my "Favorite Books" list.

Photos: these posts contain photos (or links to photos) of family and friends (mostly of Katie)

Videos: pretty obvious (if confused, see "Photos")

Updates: McCulloch family news

Christianity: posts that have something to say about Christianity

Scripture: posts in which a passage of Scripture is discussed

Musings: this label marks most of my posts; it's simply my day to day thoughts on various things, usually semi-serious

Provocations: these posts are a little more "fiery" than a mere musing; usually "provoked" by something I've seen or heard recently

Random: not at all weighty

Recipes: duh

Piper: As I was looking through my archives, I realized how many of my posts alluded to something by Piper...enough to deserve his own label!

Travel: Posts about our travel business (

Finally, if anyone can help me figure out how to make my picture on the sidebar normal again, please let me know!

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