Saturday, March 14, 2009


This post is about controversial political issues. Just wanted to warn you.
Seeing as I have only 6 days until my world is radically different and I will no longer have what some like to call "discretionary time," I'm trying to take care of some things I've been meaning to get to for awhile but basically needed a deadline to make them happen. This post is one of those things.

Back in 2008, I composed a couple posts about the election, Barack Obama, and the issue of abortion. I never actually posted them because I was wanting to make sure they said exactly what I wanted them to say before going "public." I've since given up on "perfecting" them and finally just clicked "publish post." You can find those posts here, here, and here.

This past week Barack Obama made a significant decision that I feel compelled to write about...or at least post links to articles written by people more articulate and knowledgable than myself.

The bottom line for me is this. I am sad and angry that my husband's hard-earned tax dollars are now going to fund what we believe is murder. And for an end that is not yet even proven to be effective!

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